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Late/Absence Procedures

Studies have shown that children learn best and feel more confident when they attend school regularly and punctually. The school has high expectations regarding pupil attendance and punctuality. We expect pupils to attend every day, when school is in session, as long as they are fit and healthy enough to do so.  We believe that the most important factor in promoting good attendance is development of positive attitudes towards school. To this end, we strive to make our school a happy and rewarding experience for all children.  


Pupil absences are carefully monitored by Carmarthenshire LEA as the school uses a computerised registration system which records attendance in both morning and afternoon session. This system also tracks attendance patterns, authorised and unauthorised. 


Absence Procedures: In the event that a child is absent from school, parents are asked to telephone or email the school to advise of the reason for absence. If there is no contact from a parent/guardian, a text message, email or telephone call will be made by the school to find out where your child is. To avoid an absence being unauthorised, please ensure that you follow these procedures. Any unexplained absences or absences without permission will have be recorded as ‘unauthorised’.


Late Procedures: Pupils need to be at school before 9:10am when school starts and the register is taken. You can drop pupils off from 8:45am. The school gates are closed at 9:10am. If you arrive after this time, you will need to be buzzed in from the parent gate and bring your child to the main Reception area to complete the Late Register.


We understand that there may be one off occasions where things haven't gone to plan in the morning making you late. Persistent late arrivals may result in a meeting with the Headteacher and attendance officers from the local authority. 


Medical and dental appointments should, as far as possible, be arranged out of school hours.


We believe that children need to be in school for all sessions, so that they can make the most progress possible. However, we do understand that there are circumstances under which a parent may legitimately request leave of absence for a child to attend, e.g. a special event. We expect parents and carers to contact the school at least a week in advance.  


Parents are discouraged from taking children out of school for family holidays during term time. The Headteacher has the authority to grant up to 10 days for a family holiday but this is considered on a case by case basis and will take into account a range of risk factors currently affecting the individual child/children.  


The Headteacher and/or class teachers will arrange meetings with parents to discuss incidents of poor attendance, punctuality or concern which may involve the Education Welfare Service.