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Year 5

Croeso I Blwyddyn 5


Welcome to Year 5




If you have any questions, queries or issues please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Thank You,

Mr Randell and Mrs Jones





Religious Education


During the term the children follow the Come and See R.E. scheme and the topics will be Sacrifice and Freedom and Responsibility. We will also learnabout Pentecost.


A weekly Liturgical Assembly also  discusses the readings  of the week and a Mass will mark the beginning of the new term. In continuing with our virtues from the Catholic Pupil Profile, this term the children will be growing to be Eloquent and Truthful, as well as Learned and Wise in line with the Jesuit profile.


The Woodlands!


This Summer Term our class topic will be based around the beautiful woodlands of Wales. The children will have the opportunity to create links with The Woodland Trust and Keep Wales Tidy, as well as explore our very own woodlands for outdoor learning opportunities.


Pupils will have to opportunity to:

· Discuss, learn about and look at various Woodland habitats and creatures.

· Create descriptive factfiles of creatures found in Woodlands.

· Locate and give simple explanations for the distinctive features of places, spaces and landforms in our locality and in Wales, as well as the wider world e.g. use a range of vocabulary related to woodlands and show understanding of the features. Pupils will look at woodlands around the world.

· Utilise shape and space within an outdoor environment.

· Learn about human impact upon woodlands and their lasting effects.


The children will develop an understanding that there are a range of factors that influence people’s behaviour, actions and decisions and understand the consequences of our actions and the actions of others, and how these affect local, national and global issues e.g. the debate relating to the creation of affordable housing and keeping green areas.
The pupils will look at the work of various artists, such as  Katy Lewis and how she uses multiple styles and mixed media to convey mood and tone in her work. Pupils will get the chance to mimic the distinctive styles of  some of these artists to create woodland-inspired work.

Are you faster than a woodland animal? Year 5 are! Here's a peek at their woodland experiment. 

Woodland Races!

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Bilingual skills will be developed daily by using
everyday Welsh in relation to the topic for this term: ‘Fi Fy Hun a Fy Arwr’, ’Myself and My Hero’. Pupils will listen and respond to instructions. They will read
stories together as a class and respond to questions in Welsh. They will sequence sentences correctly with the correct spelling and tense.

Reading, writing and speaking skills will be developed using stories, conversation, discussion activities and by playing games – pupils will use everyday language and respond to commands given in Welsh.

Y5 Assembly



We would firstly like to say how proud we are of Year 5 for so perfectly performing their class assembly. We’d like to thank parents, carers, and guardians for attending and for every member of staff who contributed to its success.

Our class assembly was based on one of the most important aspects of life, Friendship. Here, in St Marys, we feel like a big family, and we hope our bond was made clear to you through the pupils’ performance.  

Year 5 sung famous songs based on our topic – with our favourite, ‘Count on Me’ by Bruno Mars – and narrated and acted out the classical story of David and Johnathon, a story about an oath shared between two friends that stood against all odds. As well as this, it was lovely to see pupils relive their memories through Year 5 so far and share them with our school and audience.


Thank you once again for those who were able to attend. Our ‘Friends’ theme opening is available below.


Y.E.A.R. 5

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Topic – Llanelli, Spain & St David’s!


Our topic this term is Llanelli, Spain, and St David’s. This will be a fantastic opportunity for Year 5 to learn all about the culture, lifestyle, and history of Spain, as well as deepen their bonds with their own local and wider area.

Throughout this topic we will look at our own lovely area of Llanelli and what makes it so unique. We will then focus on St David’s, a tiny cathedral city in Cardiff, and take inspiration from the cathedral itself to sketch it, learn its history and its patron.

After the half term, our focus will move more to Spain. Pupils will be able to compare their own area to that of Spain and analyse the differences and similarities between them.

This will be an amazing time for the pupils to engross themselves in Spanish culture, through the language, historical significance and, of course, through samba!

Religious Education


Within RE, the main theme is ‘Missions’. The pupils have looked at how many people in our lives, close and distant, work towards a goal for the common good.

Children have made links between how Jesus undertook his missions to spread the good news and how each diocese continues these missions and good work today.

Soon, we will be looking at life, especially family and school life, and how each day gives us ample opportunity to help one another as well as other opportunities for self-giving.

Our next topic is Sacrifice where we will be looking Lent. Lent is the season when Christian’s practise both giving and giving up, to identify with the complete self-offering of Jesus which is remembered in the liturgy of Holy Week and the Easter Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil). 




This term, the topic is ‘Llyfyr’! Books! The pupils have read through many stories designed to improve their Welsh vocabulary – such as ‘Angrheg i Aled’.

Year 5 has been working on growing its ever-expanding vocabulary of key words in Welsh, working on their pronunciation and oracy skills, practicing their Welsh reading skills, and writing and building their own Welsh sentences.

On top of this, pupils have also been able to look at some familiar favourites within a Welsh medium.



Homework will be issued on HWB on a Friday and should be completed before the following Friday. Words for reading/spelling are also shared to your child's HWB account and a copy will be sent home at the beginning of this term, these are received on a regular basis following testing of learnt words. It would also be beneficial if times tables are practised regularly.

Home reading books must please be read daily and returned every day.