Our School Mission Statement:
“We are one – living, learning and growing together in Christ’s love”
On behalf of the pupils, staff and governors, a warm welcome to St Mary’s Catholic Primary School. St Mary’s Catholic Primary School is a busy, happy, and friendly school where Christ is at the centre of all that we do in our learning and play. All staff and members of the Governing Body are committed to providing the highest quality of education possible within a strong Catholic ethos rooted in our mission statement above. We work to develop and encourage each individual child to reach their full potential in all areas of the curriculum. We aim to do this within an atmosphere of love, trust, and respect in partnership with you, the parent. Within our caring environment, based on the recognition of the dignity and worth of each child, high standards are expected. Social, emotional, and spiritual development is emphasised and fostered along with the pursuit of academic excellence. We hope that while browsing our website you feel the sense of achievement, enjoyment, excitement, hard work, love and care that the children at St Mary’s experience during their time here.
We are a busy, friendly and caring school with lots going on. We are a one form entry, voluntary-aided non fee paying primary school, located in a mixed residential area on the eastern side of the town of Llanelli , some two miles from its centre in Havard Road. We serve not only the parish of Llanelli, but also Burry Port , Ammanford, and Llandeilo. Whilst the majority of our pupils are Catholic, we also admit baptised children of other Christian denominations and children whose parents wish them to be educated within the religious ethos of a Catholic school.
The Ethos of the School
As a Catholic school, the intellectual, emotional, and spiritual development of all our pupils is strengthened by our Christian principles of justice, love and forgiveness. We recognise the dignity and celebrate the value of each child and adult working within the school community – all are encouraged to fully develop their potential. The commitment of pupils, parents and school are summarised in the Home-School-Pupil Agreement which pupils and parents are invited to sign when offered a place at the school.
The School Day
Nursery Part Time Class | 9:10am – 11:40am |
Nursery Full Time and Reception Class | 9:10am – 3:20pm |
Years 1 and 2 | 9:10am – 3:30pm |
Junior Classes (Years 3-6) | 9:10am – 3:40pm |
Our school gates open at 8:45am. Pupils are supervised on the school yard by staff until the bell rings at 9:10am for registration. Please ensure that your child arrives promptly at the beginning of the school day. If a child is late they should report to the school office so that registers and dinner numbers can be adjusted.
Breakfast club is available from 8:15am. Pupils are handed over to classroom staff at 8:45am.
Our website contains a great deal of information about St. Mary’s, but if there is anything you wish to know about, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Alison Howells