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Summer Term 2

17th of May 2024

Dear Parents/Guardians


As we approached the end of half term, please see the information below regarding future events.


Sunday 19th May: Congratulations to all children who are making their First Holy Communion this Sunday at Our Lady Queen of Peace. Children are the be at the Church by 9:30am. We are all so proud of you. Thank you to all of you, your families, friends and staff for supporting you in this wonderful celebration.


Monday 20th May: We will host a small celebration party for our Y4 First Holy Communicants at school. Please could they bring in their First Holy Communion outfits to wear for the party in the afternoon.


Thursday 23rd May: As part of our celebration of May as the month of Our Lady, the school will be holding a May Procession on the 23rd of May. The children will sing Marian hymns, share in reflective prayer and process around the school to the statue of Our Lady, this will culminate in the crowning of Our Lady with flowers. Our First Holy Communion children are encouraged to wear their First Holy Communion outfits to lead this procession. It is advisable that children wear uniform to school and change into their First Holy Communion outfits at school. All pupils are welcome to bring a single flower (artificial or fresh) or a small posy of flowers to lay at the feet of Our Lady.


Friday 24th May: St Mary’s Catholic Primary proudly presents ‘Gaming Day 2024.’ The event will be organised and run by our Digital Leaders and will support our drive on entrepreneurship. The day will give the pupils the chance to play games created by pupils from St Mary’s, and gain coding experience. It will showcase the many talented pupils at our school and help develop digital skills in the whole school environment.

The pupils can wear own clothes on Gaming Day and will be asked to contribute £1 to take part in the event. Snacks and refreshments will also be on sale. Therefore, pupils are welcome to bring in an additional £1 if they wish to buy items. Please do not bring in more than £2. All proceeds will be used to improve/enhance the digital provision in the school. Thank you in advance for supporting the day – it should be lots of fun!


Half term: The school will be closed for half term during the week of the 27th of May.

All pupils and staff will return on Monday 3rd of June.

There will be no school led after school clubs after half term. Jujitsu and drama will continue to run on a Tuesday. Parent Pay will be set up for drama next week for those currently registered for the club. However, please note there will be no drama club on the 11th and the 18th June due to organiser holiday.


Wednesday 12th June: Sports Day for the whole school. £1 entry for adults which includes a raffle ticket for prizes to be drawn on the day. We are aiming to start at 9:30am and finish by 11:30/12pm. Children are to wear their house colours. Cold refreshments will be on sale for adult spectators.


Wednesday 19th June: The PTA are organising a Summer Fayre for Wednesday the 19th of June at 4pm. This is one of their larger fundraising events to raise money for the school, which this year is going towards funding the new stage. We look forward to welcoming you to the fayre.  

The PTA kindly ask for your help in the form of your time and donations. Are you able to help at the fayre in any way? If yes, please could you contact the school office to let us know so that we can pass your details to members of the PTA.  


Are you able to donate any items to some of our stalls? In particular, we are in need of:

Soft toys; tins of food; wine bottles (full and empty with lids); general gifts for a tombola table; and cakes.

If you have any of these items, please feel free to drop them into school from next week onwards (no cakes yet though please !! please bring these on the day or the day before the fayre).

Thank you on behalf of the PTA for your support in advance.


All dates are uploaded to the school website on the calendar tab along with this letter which via the website can be translated into a language of your choice (click the british flag button on the top bar next to the Facebook tab)


Thank you for your donations towards the Place 2 Be Fun Run held on Friday 10th of May. You raised £118 on the day. The spare change boxes will be counted at the end of next week and will be totalled together with the fun run total to donate to Place 2 Be.